As you know, Apple and Android are complety different Companies and operate differently. Even though Android products don't have the best editing programs, I will try to suggest the best apps to use.
After Downloading the suggested app to your phone, you now have three options. You can use Cute cut(free or pro), Video star (Contains in-app purchases), or Perfect Video (free or paid). Not to be biased towards any of the apps but as one Myself I prefer cute cut (pro), but you have to be pretty experinced with editing and familier with different editing styles to get a hang of cute cut. If you're beggining and this is your first time experincng it editing at first I would suggest using Perfect Video. I would suggest Video Star as well but thats only if your willing to spend money to buy the diferent effects Video Star has. Perfect vidoe is the easiest to getstarted with in my opinion because most of the transistions have already been preset for you and so does Video Star but you have to pay to get the good packs. Cute cut also has preset transistions as well but they in order to make it look like a flawless edit you would have to to make your own transistions which is harder for beggingers.
Now let me explain what the other two apps are used for, Docuemet 5 is pretty much a app where you can dowload video clips and audio here. I'll explain the process on how to get them later. To keep it short, Docuement 5 is your sorce to getting video clips and audio from Youtube or some other websites, but sometimes it won't work on other websites. Now Vont, Vont is pretty much an app that adds text to your videos, even though the other editing apps can do that own its own program too I like to suggest Vont as well since the font types that are on it are more fun and cute.
I'll try to keep these instructions as easy to memorize as possible, so when you open the app you should be intruduced with all these random files, then you want to click on the compass icon, this depends if your on a tablet or a phone, if you're on a tablet it smost likely its on the left side and for phomes itson the bottem right. you want to click on that icon. It will lead you and empty page with a search bar, within that sraech bar you want to search up, "savefromnet". After that click of the first website link, the title of the page should be "Save From" or something along those lines. Once you have have a link copied you can paste it into the empty bar below. Then from there you are able to download it. To save it into your Photo gallery you want to drag the file into the "photos" file and now your done.